Beatport Drum & Bass Top 10 – March ’18

Another month, another chart!

Don’t forget, the whole playlist is below

If you haven’t spend the last month or so in a cave, you already know who’s the winner. Noisia’s rmx of Pendulum is really stirring the waters. Obviously it’s one of them ”hate it or love it” tracks, for me though, it’s love at the first sight! 9/10

Second place goes to Insideinfo rmx of Mampi Swift. Honestly, didn’t really like that one… Just sounds too generic. Different people different taste I guess 🙂 It’s up there for a reason. 5/10

Again, Insideinfo, remixing DC Breaks. It’s really hard to improve on legendary tracks like Gambino is, but this is a job well done. Keeps the original vibe but brings something fresh (and maybe little too hard for someone). 7.82/10

Sub Focus’ collab with Wilkinson has been in the headlines recently, but the sound is exactly what you’d expect. No surprise here. Pretty sure this is gonna roll at festivals. (can’t wait for summer!) 7/10

Dimension – what a 10/10 build up! And then the rest of the track. Nah. Don’t feel it man! 5/10

Do Drumsound & Bassline Smith need any comments? I can hardly remember last time they disappointed. 8.5/10

One more track worth mentioning is Mefjus’ If I Could. Now releasing on Vision, you can really feel the influence. Feels like he’s getting into the Camo & Krooked/Noisia waters. Mefjus has new album coming soon, which is expected to be a total game changer by many, so let’s see what they feed ’em in Austria. 8/10

Sorry if I’ve been too critical, but I am trying to put down my first impressions.

Go through all the tracks in the playlist below and let me know on FB what’s your most favourite! 🙂




/written by Andy